Thursday, June 9, 2011

10 ways to decrease the value of your home

We are continuing with more advice for today's homeowner who is thinking of selling and wants to get more in terms of price. Here are another 2 ways that you will get LESS money:

7) Poor maintenance

If you know that something has to be fixed, fix it. This should go without saying. A buyer will see outdated paint or a dilapidated roof, and move right on to the next property. 

8) Bad location

The cardinal rule of real estate.... location, location, location!

Stay tuned for more help in getting top dollar!

-Daniel Barli, Esq.
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Saturday, June 4, 2011

10 ways to decrease the value of your home

We are continuing with tips - these are two more ways the value on your property goes down:

5) Bad roof

A good roof is now considered standard for almost all buyers. If your roof has problems, be prepared to see a drop in your price.

6) Overly personal decor

This may sound a bit "weird," but remember what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another. Your favorite color may be "in" right now, but the potential buyer may not like it and immediately will think about having to repaint.

# 7 and 8 are coming tomorrow, so come back to see them.

-Daniel Barli, Esq.
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Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 ways to decrease the value of your home

Here are two additional ways that the value of your home (and the price you get when you sell) can be decreased:

3) Garbled floor plan

A layout that requires you to go through multiple rooms to get to your bedroom or bathroom is a negative for consumers in the marketplace. Small rooms and bathrooms are another minus...

4) Outdated appliances

There isn't much to say about this one. Consumers don't want to buy a home that needs all the appliances redone and updated.

Stay tuned for more information coming your way!

-Daniel Barli, Esq.
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