Sunday, November 11, 2012

Working CO, smoke detectors are mandatory

"Ask the Realtor" is a weekly column from the 3,000+ member RealSource Association of Realtors.
Q: My Realtor told me that if the smoke detectors are too old that they will need to be replaced for the town inspection and that I need carbon monoxide detectors. Is that true?
Roberto A.

A: Your Realtor is correct. You will need to have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in order for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy (CO) and the successful transfer of a home in New Jersey. Any owner of real estate who sells, leases or otherwise permits occupancy of a dwelling unit without having working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors will be subject to a fine. Even though I'm confident your Realtor mentioned this, it is always recommended that you check the rules and regulations of local governments when it comes to smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. For example, town rules could require such things as: 1) smoke detectors be on every level of a home including the basement, excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics, 2) smoke detectors in the basement should be placed on the ceiling at the bottom of the basement stairs, 3) smoke detectors on the first floor should be placed on the ceiling above the first step going up to the second floor, and 4) smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be no more than 10 feet outside from each bedroom door.

If you have any questions that you would like us to post the answers to, please email us here

-Daniel Barli, Esq.

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